To complete a Solar Panel installation an Ergon energy IES application is required.
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There are two current Government rebate schemes which are
available for solar power. The first is the Federal STC
multiplier, formally known as the REC rebate, and the second
is the State Government's Solar Bonus Scheme, also known as
the Feed-in-Tariff.
Every system is assigned a set number of STCs (Small-Scale
Technology Certificate) using a formula which takes into
consideration what zone you live in and the size of your
system in kW (kilowatts). The first 1.5kW are then eligible
to be multiplied by a factor of 2. This total number of STCs
can then be sold to reduce the upfront cost of your system.
There are two ways to do this.
First and most widely used is to assign your STCs to your
installer who will give you a point of sale discount (99.9%
of customers use this method).
The second is to pay the full amount for the system and then
sell the STCs yourself.
This involves quite a complex procedure where you will be
required to find a REC Trader who is willing to buy your
STCs. Once you have done this you will need to download a
copy of their STC form, complete the form and collect a
number of documents which prove your system was installed
correctly and in compliance with all required laws. You then
submit this completed application with attached documents to
the REC Trader who will in turn offer you what is known as a
market price. This price is not set and can change on a
daily basis. For more information on this process you can
visit the ORER website.
The Queensland State Government is currently offering a
fixed net feed-in-tariff of 10 cents per kW.